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Upload plugin

The Upload plugin is the backend powering the Media Library plugin available by default in the Strapi admin panel. Using either the Media Library from the admin panel or the upload API directly, you can upload any kind of file for use in your Strapi application.

By default Strapi provides a provider that uploads files to a local directory, which by default will be public/uploads/ in your Strapi project. Additional providers are available should you want to upload your files to another location.

The providers maintained by Strapi include:


This section details configuration options for the default upload provider. If using another provider (e.g. AWS S3 or Cloudinary), see the available configuration parameters in that provider's documentation.

Local server

By default Strapi accepts localServer configurations for locally uploaded files. These will be passed as the options for koa-static.

You can provide them by creating or editing the ./config/plugins.js file. The following example sets the max-age header.


module.exports = ({ env })=>({
upload: {
config: {
providerOptions: {
localServer: {
maxage: 300000

Max file size

Currently the Strapi middleware in charge of parsing requests needs to be configured to support file sizes larger than the default of 200MB in addition to provider options passed to the upload plugin for sizeLimit.


You may also need to adjust any upstream proxies, load balancers, or firewalls to allow for larger file sizes.
(e.g. Nginx has a config setting called client_max_body_size that will need to be adjusted since it's default is only 1mb.)

The library we use is koa-body, and it uses the node-formidable library to process files.

You can pass configuration to the middleware directly by setting it in the body middleware configuration in ./config/middlewares.js:

path: ./config/middlewares.js

module.exports = [
// ...
name: "strapi::body",
config: {
formLimit: "256mb", // modify form body
jsonLimit: "256mb", // modify JSON body
textLimit: "256mb", // modify text body
formidable: {
maxFileSize: 250 * 1024 * 1024, // multipart data, modify here limit of uploaded file size
// ...

In addition to the middleware configuration, you can pass the sizeLimit, which is an integer in bytes, in the plugin configuration in ./config/plugins.js:

path: ./config/plugins.js

module.exports = {
// ...
upload: {
config: {
sizeLimit: 250 * 1024 * 1024 // 256mb in bytes

Upload request timeout

By default, the value of strapi.server.httpServer.requestTimeout is set to 330 seconds. This includes uploads. To make it possible for users with slow internet connection to upload large files, it might be required to increase this timeout limit. The recommended way to do it is by setting the http.serverOptions.requestTimeout parameter in the config/server.js|ts file (see server configuration. An alternate method is to set the requestTimeout value in the bootstrap function that runs before Strapi gets started. This is useful in cases where it needs to change programmatically — for example, to temporarily disable and re-enable it:

path: ./index.js

module.exports = {


bootstrap({ strapi }) {
// Set the requestTimeout to 1,800,000 milliseconds (30 minutes):
strapi.server.httpServer.requestTimeout = 30 * 60 * 1000;

Responsive Images

When the Enable responsive friendly upload setting is enabled in the settings panel the plugin will generate the following responsive image sizes:

NameLargest Dimension

These sizes can be overridden in ./config/plugins.js:

path: ./config/plugins.js

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
upload: {
config: {
breakpoints: {
xlarge: 1920,
large: 1000,
medium: 750,
small: 500,
xsmall: 64

Breakpoint changes will only apply to new images, existing images will not be resized or have new sizes generated.


GET/api/upload/filesGet a list of files
GET/api/upload/files/:idGet a specific file
POST/api/uploadUpload files
POST/api/upload?id=xUpdate fileInfo
DELETE/api/upload/files/:idDelete a file
✏️ Note

Folders are an admin panel feature and are not part of the REST or the GraphQL API. Files uploaded through the REST or GraphQL API are located in the automatically created "API Uploads" folder.


Upload files

Upload one or more files to your application.

The following parameters are accepted:

  • files: The file(s) to upload. The value(s) can be a Buffer or Stream.
<!-- Can be multiple files -->
<input type="file" name="files" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

<script type="text/javascript">
const form = document.querySelector('form');

form.addEventListener('submit', async (e) => {

await fetch('/api/upload', {
method: 'post',
body: new FormData(

You have to send FormData in your request body.

Upload entry files

Upload one or more files that will be linked to a specific entry.

The following parameters are accepted:

filesThe file(s) to upload. The value(s) can be a Buffer or Stream.
path (optional)The folder where the file(s) will be uploaded to (only supported on strapi-provider-upload-aws-s3).
refIdThe ID of the entry which the file(s) will be linked to.
refThe unique ID (uid) of the model which the file(s) will be linked to (see more below).
source (optional)The name of the plugin where the model is located.
fieldThe field of the entry which the file(s) will be precisely linked to.

For example, given the Restaurant model attributes:

path: ./src/api/restaurant/content-types/restaurant/schema.json

// ...
"attributes": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"cover": {
"type": "media",
"multiple": false,
// ...

The corresponding code is be:

<!-- Can be multiple files if you setup "collection" instead of "model" -->
<input type="file" name="files" />
<input type="text" name="ref" value="" />
<input type="text" name="refId" value="5c126648c7415f0c0ef1bccd" />
<input type="text" name="field" value="cover" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

<script type="text/javascript">
const form = document.querySelector('form');

form.addEventListener('submit', async (e) => {

await fetch('/api/upload', {
method: 'post',
body: new FormData(

You have to send FormData in your request body.

Upload files at entry creation

You can also add files during your entry creation.

For example, given the Restaurant model attributes:

path: ./src/api/restaurant/content-types/restaurant/schema.json

// ...
"attributes": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"cover": {
"type": "media",
"multiple": false,
// ...

The corresponding code would be:

<!-- Can be multiple files if you setup "collection" instead of "model" -->
<input type="text" name="name" />
<input type="file" name="cover" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

<script type="text/javascript">
const form = document.querySelector('form');

form.addEventListener('submit', async (e) => {

const data = {};
const formData = new FormData();

.forEach(({ name, type, value, files, ...element }) => {
if (!['submit', 'file'].includes(type)) {
data[name] = value;
} else if (type === 'file') {
files.forEach((file) => {
formData.append(`files.${name}`, file,;

formData.append('data', JSON.stringify(data));

await fetch('/api/restaurants', {
method: 'post',
body: formData

Your entry data has to be contained in a data key and you need to JSON.stringify this object. The keys for files need to be prefixed with files (e.g. for a cover attribute: files.cover).

💡 Tip

If you want to upload files for a repeatable component, you will have to specify the zero-based index of the item you want to add the file to, using the following syntax: files.my_component_name[the_index].attribute_name. For instance, if you put 3 components and the file is for the second one, the index will be 1.


You have to send FormData in your request body.

Models definition

Adding a file attribute to a model (or the model of another plugin) is like adding a new association.

In the first example below, you will be able to upload and attach one file to the avatar attribute.

path: ./src/api/restaurant/content-types/restaurant/schema.json

// ...
"attributes": {
"pseudo": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"email": {
"type": "email",
"required": true,
"unique": true
"avatar": {
"type": "media",
"multiple": false,
// ...

In our second example, you can upload and attach multiple pictures to the restaurant.

path: ./src/api/restaurant/content-types/restaurant/schema.json

// ...
"attributes": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"covers": {
"type": "media",
"multiple": true,
// ...

Update fileInfo

Update a file in your application.

The following parameters are accepted:

  • fileInfo: The fileInfo to update.
import { FormData } from 'formdata-node';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

const fileId = 50;
const newFileData = {
alternativeText: 'My new alternative text for this image!',

const form = new FormData();

form.append('fileInfo', JSON.stringify(newFileData));

const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:1337/api/upload?id=${fileId}`, {
method: 'post',
body: form,

Upload single file from api controller

Add a file to Media Library from the backend.

async create(ctx) {

// ...

const { body, files } = ctx.request;

const file = files["files.uploadedFile"];

const createdFiles = await{
data: {
fileInfo: {
name: "Name",
caption: "Caption",
alternativeText: "Alternative Text",
files: file,

// ...
